
Day by day

Simplify, simplify, simplify wrote Henry D. Thoreau

This class is based on photography, journaling, mindfulness and minimalism.
Learn to look at your life with a fresh eye. Create new routine, give space to imperfection and uncertainty. Let’s declutter our mind and vision.

The beauty of this class is realising that happiness lies in our everyday life details, not in extraordinary events.

Ready to join us?

You and the world around You

Our way to experience our surroundings is often on automatic pilot.
How can you find new opportunities in the same environment?

Creativity produces new neurological connections, different ones. With your smartphone, a notebook, a pen, you are ready to embark on this journey of redefining the way you envision the world around you.

The adventure is at the tips of your fingers. The biggest adventure in life is the inner one.

Why this course ?

  • Allowing time to yourself

  • Reconnect with your creativity

  • See how, day by day, you will experience your life in a new way

  • Be present here and now

  • Find a quiet space within

What to expect ?

  • You create daily

  • You receive weekly guidance through a 2 hours Zoom webinar

  • You read scientific researches that back up the program

  • You share weekly with your peers

  • You share daily in a dedicated Facebook private group

How do you do it ? you need :

  • A smartphone or any type of camera

  • A pen and colours

  • Scissors, glue

  • Magazines and internet access

  • A lovely plain notebook

Who is it for ?

  • Everyone between 12 and 99

Ready to join us?