Everything has meaning
In this course, you will allow yourself to cope with your loss. You will create a secure place to free your emotions, at your own pace, using photography, journaling, drawing and collage.
Julie and I, will support you once a week through online coaching.
A few years ago, my family gathered around my aunt last days.
It was a terribly touching moment but also a wonderful journey of love.
Why the arts & photography ?
It’s an experience that involves the body and the mind
Each creation has its own meaning, what sens does it hold to you?
The program is based on Kubler Ross’s five stage of grief & David Kessler Finding Meaning: The Sixth Stage of Grief
What to expect ?
You connect through the arts, images you create and engage a dialogue.
You put words on emotions
You build a secure environment
You find meaning in your art and link it to the events
How do you do it ?
You will create your on journey to let go
You will take a moment for yourself daily
You will connect with your emotions
Everything will be gathered in a journal
You will read poetry and texts on grieving by famous authors
Who is it for ?
Everyone having difficulties to deal with the pandemic situation
Everyone who has a hard time to make choices
Everyone who struggle with loss
Professional psychotherapists, coachs, social workers who want to develop new approach with their clients
Ready to join us?